Tuesday, June 9, 2009

To the best of my knowledge I have finished

9:13 Am 10 June 2009  Australian time.

To the best of my knowledge I have finished the School Library Learning 2.0 tutorial. I want to thank Jackie and Connie and all the others I know nothing about for your work on the project...

A big thanks to Jeanne for telling me about it.

It's the first real intellectual challenge I have had since the turn of the century. You are well on the way to developing a working model for online education. With a few tweaks here and there it would make a required course of study at college or university. In addition other units can be modeled after it. I think you have a real winner.


1 comment:

  1. George,
    Way to go. I enjoyed this experience, too. If you enjoyed learning about new tools, I suggest Jane's E-learning pick of the day as a good blog to read. I also enjoy Demo Girl
